Nuclear throne together icon
Nuclear throne together icon

nuclear throne together icon
  1. #Nuclear throne together icon mod#
  2. #Nuclear throne together icon update#
  3. #Nuclear throne together icon skin#
  4. #Nuclear throne together icon full#

Update 19 mods are made for a much simpler version of the game but they are generally made by altering the source code, giving a wide range of what one can manipulate in the game. The Bitbucket and pages are good sources for finding or uploading NTT mods. Big Dog and Character-specific Ultra Mutations can be reenabled in both Single and Multiplayer using the console.The numkeys can be used to place markers where a player's cursor is, allowing them to mark weapons, chests, and other things of interest to other players.

#Nuclear throne together icon skin#

New alternate costumes including a yellow C Skin for Robot, a Hammerhead B Skin for Skeleton, and Yung Cuz as a C Skin for Y.V.Skeleton dances in place while frog runs around destroying parts of the terrain. Skeleton and Frog are added to the character selection screen and can be played from the start.NTT also runs on a modified version of Update 99, so the game content is very current and even includes fixes to bugs that are present in vanilla Update 99. While modders may not have complete, direct access to the source code of the game, they can still complete very complex tasks in terms of modification for the game such as new characters, areas, enemies, weapons, and more.

#Nuclear throne together icon mod#

Nuclear Throne Together adds mod support for online and offline play. "Nuclear Throne Together is an experimental mod for Vlambeer's Nuclear Throne, improving the multiplayer-related aspects of the game, adding modding support, and, most notably, adding online multiplayer support for 2-4 players." Mods are generally made for Update 19, Update 98, or Nuclear Throne Together (NTT).

#Nuclear throne together icon full#

  • Rogue: Makes Rogue's Portal Strike explosions much bigger.Mods are modifications to the base game, ranging from balance changes and additions of content to full rehauls and tools to help other people modify the game.
  • Horror: Every second using Horror's beam heals 1 HP.
  • Rebel: Gives allies a better weapon which increases their fire rate by 60%.
  • Chicken: Thrown weapons pierce through targets.
  • nuclear throne together icon

    Robot: "Better weapon nutrition" gives 1 extra health/ammo pickup after eating a weapon.This is more likely to occur when both weapons are being fired at once.

    nuclear throne together icon

  • Steroids: Firing one weapon has a chance to add a small amount of ammo for the other weapon.
  • Y.V.: Upgrades Pop Pop into Brrrap, shooting your weapon 4 times with 3x reload time.
  • Plant: Snare kills enemies under 33% health.
  • nuclear throne together icon

  • Melting:All corpses explode into 3 blood explosions, instead of just big ones.
  • Eyes: Doubles Telekinesis' pull and push speeds.
  • Crystal: Shortens shielding time and allows Crystal to teleport at the cursor's location after shielding for long enough.
  • Can be used for as long as the active button is held and can change directions while boosting.
  • Fish: Roll is replaced with Water Boost.
  • Upgrades your character's special ability. The only character that can reach 200% and not die is Chicken without her head. Even if you have 20 max health as Crystal the highest reload speed you can have without dying is 195% on 1 HP. Having Strong Spirit also synergises well as it allows characters to more safely achieve their maximum effect for Stress in more scenarios. However this would also cause a lower maximum use as well as being harder to obtain without dying. Having Low HP such as in Melting is also a benefit, as less HP is needed to be lost for better reload. Rhino Skin and Crystal work well with Stress as having higher maximum HP will allow safer thresholds of HP to rest at for better reload. You can calculate your reload speed with (1 + (1 - (HP / Max HP))) * 100, so for example if you're at 4 / 8 HP you would have 150% reload. (Normal 100% + Stress's extra 100% fire rate at 0 HP) The fire-rate buff provided by Stress is inversely proportional to the percentage remaining of max HP, giving up to 200% rate of fire. Increases rate of fire in relation to the amount of missing health.

    Nuclear throne together icon